Featured WindCom Tech: Edwin Melendez
Edwin is one of WindCom’s platform team leads. He joined the WindCom team at the beginning of 2009 when he heard from friends of friends that WindCom offered opportunities to learn and advance. His hard work and ability to work with others allowed him to progress in the company.
“What I like about working at Windcom is that they have helped me learn and have given me the opportunity to grow professionally. I am proud that I gained WindCom’s trust which also is part of why I enjoy working at Windcom. My goals are to continue to be involved in any new discoveries and continue to improve professionally advancing in the company.”
Edwin started as a WindCom technician like almost everyone does. His supervisor soon saw he was serious and dedicated to his job and offered a promotion to ground team lead.
At 18 months with WindCom, he was given the opportunity to gain a new skill and train on ropes. He was rope tech before platform tech! After obtaining all the capabilities required and proving himself to be responsible, he was offered the position of platform team lead. Promoting from within offers all technicians with a career path proven here by Edwin. In 2012 he was given the responsibility of a platform team lead for a major project in Texas for an important customer.